“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always”
(1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV)
Prayer Chain
Faithful church members who are committed to offering prayer in service of others are notified via email when someone has needs which demand immediate prayers (i.e., prayers for healing, for strength, and for thanksgiving, etc.).
To request confidential prayers, contact the Priest in charge. Please indicate if you also want the prayer request to be said during the service on Sunday.
To request prayers from the St. Barnabas prayer chain (currently about 20 parishioners), you can fill out the form by clicking here.
Typically the prayer chain will pray for 4 weeks for each request. If further prayers are desired, please resend the request as needed.
The Power of Prayer and the Prayer Chain is here for everyone!
Please speak to the Priest-in-Charge or the Prayer Chain Coordinator if you have any questions.